“I’m curious…what is Buddhism?”

Recently, some of us were discussing how we handled the question of Buddhism as youngsters and teenagers. I didn’t have a specific answer because I don’t remember ever talking about going to a Buddhist “church” when I was in grade school. Image: Rev. Kathy and her friend Sandy celebrating the Buddha's Birthday at "Church" Maybe I didn’t think I was different from my classmates because we all went to “church” on Sunday. Later when I was in high school, I might have referred to the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. I attended Northwest Nazarene College (now a university), and I did get the question from professors and students. I was required to take religion classes related to the Old or New Testament and Christian thought, and I had to examine my own beliefs. Prayers or hymns were often offered before classes began. We were required to attend chapel three days a week. I did take an upper division world religions class, and of course, I was assigned the topic of ...