The Temple is Open Again! Now What?!?

A basic teaching of Buddhism is: Everything changes. Nothing stays the same. Our temple’s experiences over the last 5 years really demonstrate this principle of impermanence! In 2020, our temple, like millions of institutions around the world, had to rethink how we operated to reduce the risk of spreading COVID in our communities. For us, that meant moving to online services. In the beginning, we had just one service a month online, but we gradually moved to online services twice a month. And once a month we would have take-out lunch pick-up in the parking lot, which allowed for a little social time. Photo: Even on a cold winter day, our sangha stayed connected We began offering face-to-face services at the temple in early 2022. But then, in July of 2022, the temple had a major fire. We held our 2022 Obon service in our parking lot, just two days after the fire. The service was brief, but it reassured our community that...