“I’m curious…what is Buddhism?”

Recently, some of us were discussing how we handled the question of Buddhism as youngsters and teenagers. I didn’t have a specific answer because I don’t remember ever talking about going to a Buddhist “church” when I was in grade school. 

Two girls wearing dresses in front of a small shrine with flowers and a statue of a baby Buddha

Image: Rev. Kathy and her friend Sandy celebrating the Buddha's Birthday at "Church"

Maybe I didn’t think I was different from my classmates because we all went to “church” on Sunday. Later when I was in high school, I might have referred to the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. I attended Northwest Nazarene College (now a university), and I did get the question from professors and students. I was required to take religion classes related to the Old or New Testament and Christian thought, and I had to examine my own beliefs. Prayers or hymns were often offered before classes began. 

We were required to attend chapel three days a week. I did take an upper division world religions class, and of course, I was assigned the topic of Buddhism to present to the other students in the class. However, that experience never did help me develop an answer to the question of “what is Buddhism.” Maybe it has taken me so long because I had to connect with many teachers at numerous conferences, workshops, and seminars. Because Buddhism is so expansive, it is impossible to come up with THE answer. There are many traditions that point to specific teachings and practices so it is difficult to pinpoint a “good” answer, or an answer that our Dharma friend, Keith, would call an “elevator speech”—a 30-second answer that can be done quickly in an elevator trip.

As you think about your own answer to this question, I would like to share some thoughts from a recent Howakai meeting.

            From our friend, Georgette, who joins us from Seattle: “Buddhism is a way to understand the world. How to understand that one is dependent on so many actions and conditions. As your comprehension grows, know that you are Buddhist enough, just as you are."

            From our friend, Kevin, who lives in Boise:A way of being! A way of being in the world. An intentional approach of compassion, kindness, and hospitality in love. Engaged in the three treasures: Buddha, Dharma & Sangha remaining present in each moment on the exterior and the interior of one’s life.  The epiphany of Buddhism is that it elevates the inside, the heart, and the being of each soul that abides in this way of life.  A wholistic way, ‘just as I am,’ ‘just as we are,’ for a greater good, the common good, with reverence, wisdom, and compassion.”

            And, according to my dad: “Living in harmony with reality.” 

            I tend to think that less is more so here’s my summary, using the form of the six-word memoir: “My bombu-ness of being accepted unconditionally.” [“bombu” means “ordinary foolish being”]

A golden dog statue in a meditation pose

Photo:  Recognizing that we can practice Buddhism just as we are, as foolish beings, allows us to be authentic bonbu ourselves.   Just like this puppy.

We can each develop something that we believe in and can live by. We might modify our thoughts as we experience life. However, Buddhism is best taught through actions and not just words. People unfamiliar with the Dharma/Buddhist teachings can understand actions and intentions. I like the idea of describing Buddhism as “a way of being.” Being humble. Being grateful. Being kind. AND not taking yourself too seriously. Good luck in your search for Buddhism’s meaning for you.


Rev. Kathy Chatterton


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