This question, “Can something can be
both bad and good?” was running through my head last month when temple
president Mike Iseri gave Rev. Jerry Hirano, Rev. Carmela, Rev. Kathy, Sandy (our temple treasurer), and me a tour of the progress of the restoration of the temple building.

Photo: Temple Basement without Stage and showing new ductwork
Photo: Rev. Jerry Hirano and Mike Iseri in front of pass-through to the kitchen in basement
I clearly remember how my heart sank the day in July when I learned that there had been a major fire in our temple. I thought of all the happy memories I have of the temple and the fun times I had in the basement with the Sangha and larger community. I thought of all the supplies, equipment (including the taiko drums) and historic documents and materials that were lost to fire, smoke, or water damage. I wondered what the future would hold for the temple. I felt relief and gratitude when I learned that the Onaijin (altar) was safe, but I still feel deep sadness when I think about all that was lost.

Photo: Our altar survived the fire!!!
Buddhism teaches that everything is
impermanent, that things we love will not last forever, that everything
changes. Although I know this, facing it
first-hand in the aftermath of the fire hit me hard.
But on the tour of the temple the
Mike gave us in February, I had a different set of feelings. I was amazed by the progress of clean up and
rebuilding that is taking place. The
fire created opportunities to update our
facilities and fix problems we have been dealing with. The fire has given us the chance to replace and
update our heating/cooling system and audio-visual system, and renew the
lighting and the seating in the Hondo. We will have new carpet, new paint, and
new upholstery on the pews.
Photo: Rev. Kathy, Mike and Sandy admire the upgrades to our temple's main hall
One of the things I am most excited
about is that the entrance to the basement storage area on the far side of the
stage that we call “the cave” is being fixed to accommodate a normal sized
finished doorway—no more ducking, no more worry about hitting my head! If you’ve ever seen “the cave” you will know
what I mean!

Photo: with the stage removed, the entrance to "the cave" can accommodate a full sized door. No more ducking and head-bumps
As I reflect on all that has happened since July, I feel like
the answer to my question of whether something can be bad and good at the same
time is pretty easy: Yes, something can be bad and good at the same time. And I will add to that: Yes, I can be sad and happy at the same
time. Buddhism teaches us that
human life is complicated/painful and also precious/wonderful. It is our ability to engage with complex
experiences and complicated emotions that allows us to come to understand and
appreciate the teachings of Buddhism and to experience wisdom and compassion of
Amida Buddha. If we try to ignore one
extreme or the other, then we miss out on the preciousness and uniqueness of
the unrepeatable lives we are each living right now!In Gassho,
Rev. Anne Spencer
Assistant Minister, IOBT
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