Schedule: Northwest District Buddhist Convention Sept 16-18, 2022

Registration Q&A

1) How do I register for the Convention
name.  Payment can be made at with the donate button on the right, noting
that it's for convention. 
2) What do remote registrants need to provide us in order to receive the link to the convention website?   Is there a deadline for online participants? Best to 
register at least 2-3 days prior.  Last minute may work but I don't want to depend on it.
3) Is there a deadline for meal orders?  7 days ahead is best.  Any less and there
may be problems ordering more of some ingredients.  If you prefer vegetarian, please note that when you email Mike
4) Do I need to register for Rev. Jerry Hirano's Intro to Buddhism talk and the Sunday closing service? The plan will be to have these available from a link on our website--no need to register
5) Anything else? Not really.  ALL registrants will get an email (if they have email)
with virtual instructions. 
6) Do I need to be Buddhist to participate? Our diverse program is designed to attract a variety of people with a variety of interests.  It includes history, activities, as well as Buddhist teachings.  We have programs for a variety of ages, backgrounds, as well as some activities in Japanese. 
7) What if I want a registration form?  You can find a picture of the form here  with more details and pricing. 


(NOTE: Of course, like everything these days, the schedule is subject to change!)

BCA Northwest District Convention "Reflecting on the Past; Looking to the Future"

Hosted by Idaho Oregon Buddhist Temple Sept 16-18, 2022

Location Four Rivers Cultural Center, Ontario Oregon

In-person and Online Attendance Available

Friday, September 16, 2022

5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Registration and Hospitality


7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Northwest District Council Meeting

Collins Gallery


Saturday, September 17, 2022

8:00 – 9:30 am

NWD BWA Representatives Meeting

Collins Gallery


FRCC Gift Shop

Hongwanji Place (virtual)

(Open throughout the weekend.)


8:00 – 9:45 am



9:15 am

Oshoko (Incense Offering)


9:45 am

Opening Service


10:30 am

Keynote Address—Rev. Marvin Harada

Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America



(Students participating in the Farm Tour will leave after the Opening Service for the first portion of the tour and will return for lunch.)


11:15 – 11:30 am



11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Session #1 Workshops

Group Project


“Reflections of the Past”

“Plans for the Future”


“Indra’s Net”



English Workshop #1

Owyhee River Room


Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki

Rev. Tadao Koyama


“Chanting in Challenging Times”

English Workshop #2


FRCC Museum Tour


Diana Morinaga

Activity Workshop for all ages

Malheur River Room


Debbie Tanaka

Megan Cook


“Mindfulness of Yoga”

(Comfortable clothing suggested. Bare feet recommended.)

Dharma School



Farm Tour (in person)


“Let’s Dance!”

Bon Odori

(Virtual from Theater)

Michelle Sadamori


(Gr. 6-10)


Farm Tour (in person)


“Let’s Dance!”

Bon Odori

(Virtual from Theater)

Michelle Sadamori



12:30 – 1:45 pm


Snake and Malheur River Rooms

1:45 – 2:45 pm

Session #2 Workshops

Group Project

“Reflections of the Past”

“Plans for the Future”


“Indra’s Net”




English Workshop #1



Rev. Marvin Harada


“Growing Our Sanghas”


English Workshop #2

Collins Gallery



Japanese Workshop

Harano Gallery


Rev. Sugahara and IMOP ministers: Rev. Yukari Torii and Rev. Hiroya Sato



Dharma School (K-5)


Farm Tour continued

YBA (Gr. 6-10)


Farm Tour continued

2:45 – 3:00 pm



3:00 – 4:00 pm

Session #3 Workshops

Group Project


“Reflections of the Past”


Plans for the Future”



English Workshop #1

Owyhee River Room


Stuart Hirai


“Remembering the Legacy of Our Nisei Soldiers”

English Workshop #2

Collins Gallery


Rev. Jerry Hirano

“Intro to Buddhism and Jodo Shinshu”

 (Open to the Public on-line and in-person)


Japanese Workshop

Harano Gallery


Rev. Kusunoki and Rev. Sugahara ”Chanting and Ritual for Shinran Shonin’s 850th Birthday”

Dharma School (K-5)



Taiko Workshop with Sangha Taiko (in-person)

YBA (Gr. 6-10)


FRCC Museum Tour


Diana Morinaga

4:00 – 5:30 pm

Northwest Ministers Association Meeting

Payette Room

5:30 – 6:15 pm

Social Hour


6:30 – 8:30 pm

Banquet (Please register 1 week in advance to assure availability of ingredients)

River Rooms combined

8:30 – 10:30 pm




Sunday, September 18, 2022


8:00 am

Northwest District Council

Collins Gallery

8:00 – 9:30 am

Northwest District BWA General Meeting

Harano Gallery

9:30 am

Oshoko (Incense Offering)


10:00 – 11:00 am

Closing Service (Open to Public-online and in-person)


11:00 am

Bento Pick-up (Pre-order Required)


11:00 am

Seating for lunch

Lobby and Owyhee River Room



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