Back To Temple!

by Rev. Kathy Chatterton This is the time of the year when, in my previous life as a 4th grade teacher, I was preparing for the new school year. There was plenty to do: putting up bulletin boards, arranging desks, stacking textbooks, preparing lesson plans, studying the list of student names. Since our temple will be returning to weekly Sunday services, we might also want to prepare ourselves with a review of key elements in our service. We want everyone who attends service to participate and feel comfortable . If our veteran service goers happen to be seated next to a newcomer, please introduce yourself and offer your assistance with the service elements. Here is a refresher course on some of the terms and rituals that are used in a typical service Before service begins, we enter the “Hondo” or Buddha Hall. It is an expression of respect to stop in the doorway and do a small bow before stepping in. The start of service is signaled by a tolling...