Remembering My Mother

My mother, Chistine (AKA "Aunt Chris" or “Ma”), died in January of 2022 at the age of 90. We were finally able to hold memorial service for her last month at the Presbyterian church in Washington that she had been a part of for more than 50 years. Ma was a kind and accepting person and, although she raised me Christian, she supported and encouraged me on my path to Buddhist ministry. She attended the Buddhist temple with me whenever she had a chance and also came to several NW District Conventions. Ma loved meeting and talking with everyone . One of my happy memories of one convention was how much she enjoyed listening to, and getting to chat with, Taitesu Unno—she never forgot him. For my message this month I wanted to share the reflection I delivered at my mother’s memorial service. Photo: Ma loved to go camping! This picture was taken on a camping trip to celebrate her 88th birthday A Remembrance of Ma Ma was born in 1931 in Petersburg Alask...