IOBT Obon Cemetery Visits 2021: Reflections & Logistics
Our annual Obon cemetery visits and services start tomorrow, July 27, 2021. Obon cemetery visits are an important part of our Jodo Shinshu Buddhist tradition and something I look forward to every year. (For full schedule and a link to the map, scroll to the bottom of this post) Bonye No Uta* Lanterns aglow from the house to house, Lighting the path of the Dharma Those who live and those now gone All come together this festival day. Time that flows shall not return, But deep within the cemetery’s moss Hearts beckon each other, every year, And loved ones meet, this Festival Day. *(Original version in Japanese by S. Shibutani and Kiyomi Fujii) The tradition of Obon is a reminder of the sadness of loss. Obon traditions remind us that missing our loved ones is a normal part of human life. The traditions reassure us that grief is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. But that is just a small piece of what Obon is. At the heart of Ob...