Greediness is For the Birds!

My husband and I have a birdfeeder hung on our garage just outside our back door. The feeder has a big clear plastic cannister that holds a gallon of birdseed. There are four metal perches for birds to stand on while they peck seeds out through holes at the bottom of the feeder. The birds enjoy our feeder all year, but they especially appreciate it when it snows because the snow makes it hard for them to get to the seeds and bugs that they usually eat. After a snowstorm I like to stand at our back window and watch all the action as the birds—mostly juncos and sparrows— “flock” to our feeder. Although there are 4 perches, there are far more than 4 birds trying to eat birdseed. But with all the seeds the birds spill on the ground below, there is still plenty of food for everyone. But the fact that there is plenty of seed doesn’t stop them from fighting. Sometimes, there will just be one bird at the feeder and another bird will fly in full-speed from a nearb...